A rainy day for our students

I would just like to say that I am very proud of the CSN students who braved the rain and cold yesterday to attend the rally at the Grant Sawyer State Office Building with students from NSC and UNLV.

I happily received pictures from the event (posted below). There were hundreds of you, letting elected officials, the media and community know that you won’t stand for further budget cuts.

I am behind you 100 percent.

Now, I want to ask a favor of you. 

If you rallied yesterday – come back to the Grant Sawyer Building on Saturday.  At 9 a.m. in Rm. 4401, there will be a legislative town hall, in which lawmakers will be looking to hear from constituents. They want to know what you value most about state government and public services. This is a great time for you to voice your concerns about K-12 and higher education. We need your enthusiasm and energy.

For those who did not make it out yesterday, Saturday presents another chance. Time is running out for lawmakers to hear from you before the special session begins the week of Feb. 22.

Thank you again to the students. You made a difference, not only for yourselves but for the future of this state.



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