As we move into our first semester with new leadership in place for each campus, I am excited to more fully develop the multi-campus district model. I know our campus leaders are as well, and you are encouraged to reach out to them with your welcome messages, questions or concerns you may have about your campus. Each campus vice president & provost has expressed to me their eagerness to hear from you.
You will have an opportunity on each campus in the coming weeks to attend an informal chat with them over coffee and doughnuts, so please look for details on those events soon. You may also contact them through their executive assistants:
As we work to integrate this model more fully into our culture and structure, you will notice changes, some large and some small. The search for permanent executive assistants for the Charleston and North Las Vegas vice presidents is in the interview phase and should be completed soon.
On the Henderson Campus, interim Associate Vice President Rebecca Gates has been hired to help maximize talents and avoid duplication of funding in executive positions, and two other Associate Vice Presidents will be assigned for the same position on the other two campuses. This position reports directly to the campus vice president. This process will include an administrative reassignment process of existing associate vice presidents. We will share those administrative reassignments with you once they are complete.
Please know that we are also facilitating discussions with the college counselors to better align the department with a new model of integrated support and retention services.
Academic deans are assigned to each campus as follows:
Student Government and Student Life and Leadership offices have been relocated to the new student unions on each campus. Further planning is progressing to identify departments that can be housed in the unions to support a one-stop model of wraparound support and retention services. We anticipate posting student union management positions this fall for each campus.
I look forward to working together on this issue in the future to support student success and make sure all of our students graduate, complete, transfer and prosper.