Dear CSN Family,
As you know, the state of Nevada is facing the possibility of large budget cuts in the next biennium, and we want to do all we can to help alleviate their effects on CSN and our students. Today we will provide examples of how you can help CSN attain reimbursement for COVID-19-related expenses, as well as a new initiative to add even more payment flexibility for our students.
Thanks to the work of our finance team, we have been able to keep track of any spending related to the current crisis in order to seek reimbursement for these expenses from FEMA and CARES Act sources. It is important that we all use the special activity code AC0994 in the event that you incur expenditures associated with COVID-19. This applies to requisitions, P-Card expenditures and supplier invoice requests. Please enter the activity code in the “additional worktag” field on Workday requisitions and P-Card transactions.
Examples of items that may be related and are currently being incurred include:
In addition to our internal efforts to track our expenses, our finance team is also working on ways to assist our students. As you know, many of our students are undergoing severe financial hardships, and we want them to know we’re here to help. Historically, our cashier’s office has only offered payment plan options for the fall and spring semesters. We are now looking into the possibility of initiating a payment plan alternative for the summer 2020 term. We need to make sure our students can maintain their momentum toward completion. Payment plan flexibility in the summer term can help them do that in this time of uncertainty. Please look for details from my office as we further develop this plan.
Again, thank you for putting our Students First. We are in this together and together we are Vegas Strong and CSN Proud.
Stay safe and God bless.
Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada