August Cabinet Notes

August 8, 2011

Cabinet Members:

President Mike Richards
John Bearce, Director of Institutional Research
K.C. Brekken, Director, Communication & Events
Thomas Brown, Senior Advisor to the President – absent
Patty Charlton, Senior Vice President for Finance & Facilities
Chemene Crawford, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs   �
Darren Divine, Vice President, Academic Affairs
Richard Hinckley, General Counsel
Shellie Keller, Chair, Administrative Faculty Assembly – absent
Rob Telles, President, Classified Council
Jacque Matthews, Executive Director, Foundation
Joan McGee, Chief Campus Administrator, Charleston Campus – absent �
Charles Milne, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect
Dan Morris, Executive Director, Business Operations �
Aimee Riley, President, Student Government
Tracy Sherman, Faculty Senate Chair – absent              �
Mugunth Vaithylingam, Chief Information Officer  

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Richards at 9 a.m.

The notes of the June cabinet meeting were approved.

Dr. Richards reviewed some upcoming events for August and September, including the Adjunct Impact Conference on August 20, Convocation on August 22 and the Board of Regents Meeting on September 8-9 at Desert Research Institute here in Las Vegas.

Jacque Matthews said a new insert in the Las Vegas Review Journal will be out on September 7, highlighting student success, the new Dean of Arts & Letters, Wendy Weiner, Seth Maurer, a former CSN student who now serves on the CSN Foundation Board of Trustees, a former CSN culinary student who now works as a chef in a well-known California restaurant and much more. A $25,000 grant from WalMart was applied to CSN’s Learn and Earn Program. MGM donated $57,000 to CSN– $40,000 to Dental Faculty Practice for senior citizen dental care, and $17,000 to Learn & Earn. Jacque said the Board of Trustees met on June 21 to further develop a comprehensive campaign for CSN. The Board divided into 10 industry teams with chairs chosen for each. The Executive Committee will meet on August 16. The Foundation hired a part-time major gifts officer, Lou Emmert.

Dan Morris reported that iNtegrate progress is right on task with the projected schedule. Enrollment cancellation will follow the payment due date of August 11 for fall semester classes. The iNtegrate team, Registrar and Student Financial Services are working to ensure that enrollment is not cancelled for students with pending financial aid. The contracts have ended for the consultants assisting with the new system processes in Admissions, but the Financial Services and Advising consultants still have a bit longer to assist.

Aimee Riley said Student Government is in the process of planning and goal setting for the new academic year. They are currently working on filling appointments—2 on the Charleston campus and 1 for Cheyenne. She reported that Papa John’s Pizza donated food for the Student Welcome Back Event; and an agreement has been secured with Papa John’s for CSN students to receive a 50% discount. Implementing Club Ride is also on Student Government’s list of tasks to complete. A Health and Wellness committee has been established with the intention to focus on more than athletics. The broader scope will include campus food options, dental care, stress management, sport program promotions and possibly a golf team. Aimee said she has heard a lot of feedback regarding Math and Science classes’ lack of availability.

Chuck Milne said that Faculty Senate is working on appointments, and there should be more to report as the academic year progresses.

Dr. Richards told the group that NSHE Chancellor Dan Klaich and Board of Regents Vice Chair, Regent Kevin Page will attend CSN’s convocation at the Texas. He reminded everyone to attend and to take advantage of the many training opportunities offered by CAPE during convocation week.

Enrollment is down for the fall semester, primarily due to budget cuts. The Nevada System of Higher Education is organizing a formula study committee to work through the funding equity problem. The group will report back to the Legislature in 2013.

Dr. Richards said that many employees and students are struggling with emotional issues, depression and various upsetting situations, especially in the current economic climate. He asked that the cabinet members be sensitive to the uncertainty people are feeling. There are resources available to employees through the Employee Assistance program, and for students, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). He encouraged everyone to rally around hurting individuals and help when possible.

Darren Divine told the group that the remodel of the science labs at the Cheyenne campus is almost complete and the whole thing looks great. He told everyone to take a look if they get the chance, and that Sherri Payne and all the facilities folks did a terrific job.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

Next meeting scheduled September 12.


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