Community Partnership 30-Day Action Items
Challenges: What problems in our system block services? How do they show up?
- CSN’s Division of Workforce and Economic Development (DWED) reported that there are about 5,000 students under the Division of Apprenticeship Studies. About 2,800 of them can register for classes, while the rest have either holds or are classified out of state.
- Childcare is greatly needed; either low fees or free. There should also be an option for students to drop children off as an after-school type system or when students need to study or take classes.
- There are stigmas and myths surrounding welfare.
- CSN does not have a streamlined process to identify needs with one shared intake form.
- Resources are housed in different areas and not everyone knows about all of them, including faculty, staff and students
- We must identify how to disseminate all of the information.
- There is limited or no data collaboration or sharing among the 17 agency partners and within CSN.
- Some services are duplicated even with the same agencies.
- Students do not know that they need a budget to be successful during and after college.
- Nevada does not have all partners under one umbrella (150 million budget).
- There is difficulty streamlining services among multiple partners within and external to the college.
- Students and participants must complete multiple forms or applications due to a lack of system integration among state agencies.
- Student work hours and school schedules interfere or prevent time to connect with resources.
- There is limited transportation to off-campus resources.
- The availability of childcare and funding is limited.
- Some students have housing and food deficiencies.
Gaps: Why are students falling through the cracks if so many resources and services are available? What does the data say?
- Nevada does not have all 17 state agencies under one funding umbrella. Workforce Connections, One-Stop Center links participants to services but the 17 agencies have no integrated system or single application.
- It is unclear how students want to be helped, how students want to learn about the resources and how they want to be notified of services.
- The information pipeline is broken.
- No student survey to find out how students want to be assisted when they are facing challenges, how they want to be notified of services and how to increase their awareness of services.
- MyCoyotePLAN is not utilized, at the point of admission, as a Student Intake Survey to help students self-identify their needs and link to timely resources on or off campus.
- There is no CSN Resources webpage with both campus and community partners’ services.
- There is no current comprehensive Community Services Resource Guide available.
- Employees must be trained on available campus and community resources.
Opportunities: What is the desired state?
- Pre-screen needs at the admission application point.
- Grant override access to CSN core stakeholders to remove the First Steps holds for DWED participants; coordinate with Director of Advising.
- Send “E-Alerts” as soon as students signs up for classes via text.
- Develop a SIMPLE webpage introducing the resources on and off campus, along with contacts and office hours/appointment availability.
- Cross train CSN Counselors, Workforce Connections, faculty and other key stakeholders on basic services available.
- Develop new partnerships with community agencies on and off campus.
- Provide students with easy access to resources and agencies that provide a variety of services.
- Embed Operation Hope – DWED Financial planning classes to reach more students and community in need.
- Tittle I – DWED provides bus passes.
30-Day Action Items:
CSN action items:
Sponsor: Charleston Campus Vice President & Provost Sonya Pearson
- Modify CSN admission application to include a short intake questionnaire to gather information on student needs. Counselors can work with various stakeholders to contact students and help provide timely services. Other campus departments (Advising, FA, Tutoring, etc. can refer students to the questionnaire to help connect students to resources and counselors).
- Contact Webmaster to discuss a process to create new webpage and how to obtain access.
- Create a needs assessment or MyPathWay.
- Create a shared landing page with Workforce Connections.
- Create shared Resource Hotline with Workforce Connections.
- Marketing plan, create brief promo video and PR that highlights resources.
- Develop a marketing plan for communicating the partnership to faculty, staff and students.
Sponsor: Henderson Campus Vice President & Provost Patty Charlton
- Invite all 17 agencies within or coordinate with Workforce Connections to present on their services.
- Set dates with the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services to come out and deliver a “Myth Busting/Stigma on Welfare” workshop and also do on-the-spot applications.
- Create a community resource book and a CSN website for wraparound services to supports student even if they do not take classes on campus.
- Develop Employee Resource Manual – make it part of the Onboarding Orientation resources.
- Research if CSN faculty can to develop a mobile resource app.
- Develop CSN Binder/Directory of all services (for partnership participants).
- Develop a one page or pamphlet of services (brief description of services).
Sponsor: North Las Vegas Campus Vice President & Provost Clarissa Cota
- Identify the human resources (staff needed) to lead the effort and complete the projects.
- Create a Workforce Connections and CSN Resource and Career Fairs.
- CSN will offer RTC pilot program this spring: One-way, nonstop WCH to NLV to east Library to NSC.
- DWED contact Advising to get access for hold releasing.
Community partners action items:
- Develop a list of emergency housing contacts.
- Develop a list of transportation contacts.
Community partnership work session participants:
- Workforce Connections
- Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
- Operation Hope
- Accessible Spaces Incorporated, LLC
- Counseling
- Career Services
- Campus Life