CSN Celebrates Black History Month

Dear CSN Family,

Please join us in celebrating Black History Month during the month February. This is a special time to celebrate the contributions of African Americans throughout history while exploring the lived cultural experiences of African Americans today. As we kick off a monthlong celebration of the rich contributions that African Americans have made to our communities, country and society throughout history, I encourage our entire CSN community to recommit themselves to actively pursuing racial equality and social justice. My thanks to the CSN African American Heritage Committee and the Office of Inclusive Learning & Engagement for a series of events in honor of this special month. Visit csn.edu/DiversityEvents for more information, and visit the CSN Events Calendar for a listing of all events.

Thank you.

Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada

Black History Month Trivia Contest

February 1 | Drawings at Noon, 12:30 p.m. and 1  p.m.

HBCU Virtual Admissions Event – University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff

February 3 | 11 a.m.

Alternative Health & Wellness Forum

February 11 | 3 – 5  p.m.

My Sister’s Keeper: The Push to Protect Black Women

February 16 | 4 – 6  p.m. 

Active vs. Activism: Is There a Difference?

February 19 | 6 – 8  p.m.

Different Shades of Blackness: Are You Black Enough?

February 23 | Noon – 1:30  p.m.

“Y tu abuela, ¿dónde está?”: Exploring Afro-LatinX Culture

February 23 | 5:30 – 6:30  p.m.

Divine 9 Virtual Exhibition

February 26 | 1 – 3  p.m.

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