CSN Celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear CSN Family,

There are some icons of American history who simply rise above the others as true symbols of unity, justice, and hope. Men and women whose very image inspires us almost universally across political, religious, and racial barriers. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is just such a figure in the American story.

Just days ago, during my Presidential Address at Convocation, I spoke about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our workforce, as well as closing the achievement gap for our students of color as imperatives to the success of our college and its mission. This reminds me of one of Dr. King’s most well known quotes, “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” It is so true, that when one goes without, we all suffer, but just as true is the fact that when one is raised up, we all benefit! Intentionally reaching out to the underserved is simply part of being a Students First institution.

As we take today to reflect upon the life, work, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I ask you to think about how we all can be a part of bringing about the dream he spoke of in his most quoted speech; and, how we are all positively affected by making that dream a reality. Let us take this national day of service and introspect on how we can each individually move the needle on economic and educational equity in our community and our world. It not only helps lift us all up, it is the human thing to do.

God Bless and Have a Great MLK Day!

Federico Zaragoza

President College of Southern Nevada

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