CSN Reverse Transfer Degrees

Dear CSN Alumni,

If you’ve done the work, you deserve the credential.

Did you know that you may be eligible to receive an associate degree from the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) at no cost to you?

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) has a dynamic process in place, called Reverse Transfer. Eligible students, who have earned 15 or more credits at a NSHE community college and transferred to a four-year NSHE institution where they earned 60 or more credits, may be able to obtain an associate degree for the coursework they completed between the two institutions. That’s right, you may already be a college graduate and didn’t know it! Earning an associate degree is an excellent credential to bolster your resume as you work toward your bachelor’s degree.

Last year, close to 150 UNLV, UNR, and NSC students graduated from CSN through the reverse transfer program. Some had earned multiple associate degrees from CSN.

Why is an Associate degree important?

  1. You would collect the nation’s fastest growing work credential recognized by employers.
  2. You would achieve an educational milestone for FREE while pursuing your bachelor’s degree.
  3. You become more marketable and qualify for better job opportunities while completing your bachelor’s degree.
  4. With an associate degree you become part of the group of students who, according to national data, are 70% more likely to complete their bachelor’s degree.

How does the reverse transfer PROCESS work?

With your permission, your current four-year institution will send your transcript to CSN to determine if you are eligible to receive an Associate of Science, Associate of Arts, Associate of Business, or an Associate of General Studies.

To determine if you are eligible for a CSN associate degree:

  1. Complete the Reverse Transfer Transcript Request form available at www.csn.edu/reversetransfer and submit electronically to the email address on the form (reversetransferoffice@csn.edu) by the deadline of July 8, 2018. Your reverse transfer graduation form will be evaluated for the August 2018 summer graduation date.
  2. There is no cost involved. With your consent by completing and submitting the Reverse Transfer Transcript Request form, your current four-year institution will send CSN your free electronic transcript.
  3. If after completing your graduation audit CSN determines that you have met degree requirements for an Associate of Science, an Associate of Arts, an Associate of Business, and/or an Associate of General Studies, you will be awarded your diploma (s) in August 2018 and become eligible to participate in the 2019 May Commencement Ceremony.

For more information about a reverse transfer associate degree, please visit www.csn.edu/reversetransfer or CSN’s Call Center at 702-651-5555.

Wishing you continued success in your academic endeavors!


Dr. Margo L. Martin
Acting President, College of Southern Nevada


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