CSN “Speed-Networking” event to connect students, employers





For Immediate Release:

Contact:          Richard Lake, CSN Public Relations Specialist, 702-651-7715, Richard.Lake@csn.edu 

CSN “Speed-Networking” event to connect students, employers

Similar to speed dating, students will have a chance to make their best pitches to tech employers.

 LAS VEGAS, March 13, 2015 – More than three dozen local tech-focused employers will be on the College of Southern Nevada campus Friday, March 20, for a Speed-Networking event designed to give tech-savvy students a chance to show off the skills they’ve learned in college.

Patterned after speed dating, the Speed-Networking event gives CSN students majoring in business, computing and information technology, engineering technology, health information technology and media technologies a chance to meet briefly with employers and “sell themselves” in five minutes or less.

“This is a great opportunity for our students to network with potential employers,” said Warren Hioki, director of the CSN School of Advanced & Applied Science. “Last year’s event was such a great success we were determined to do it again.”

In 2014, the event included 38 student participants and 35 employers from 25 companies, including Century Link, NV Energy, Intel, HP, Dell and many others. Those employers are scheduled to take part again this year, as well as the Clark County School District, Cox Communications, and Northwestern Mutual.

Hioki said he was inspired by a similar event at Michigan State University. “As soon as I saw that, a light turned on and I knew we could do the same here at CSN,” he said.

Students participating are studying computing information technology, graphic design, web design, electronics and other related fields. They will bring resumes with them as they network with employers.

The event will be held from noon to 2:30 p.m. on Friday, March 20, in the June Whitley Student Lounge on CSN’s Cheyenne campus. The media are invited to attend.

About CSN:

Founded in 1971 and educating thousands of students a semester, the College of Southern Nevada (csn.edu) is the state’s largest and most ethnically diverse higher education institution. CSN students can choose from 180 degree and certificate options in more than 100 areas of study, including more than 25 degree and certificate programs available entirely online. Students create flexible, personalized schedules, including day, evening, and weekend classes taught on three main campuses and multiple locations throughout Southern Nevada. CSN — your future starts here. CSN is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. For more information, visit http://www.csn.edu/nondiscrimination

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