CSN Student Involvement

Today is the first day of student elections and I would like to encourage all CSN students to vote!

Our ASCSN senators and executive officers do a tremendous job of providing leadership for our growing student body. These roles will be crucial as we enter into the next legislative session. Lawmakers need to hear from you and selecting strong student leaders is a great way to make sure your voice gets heard. So if you are a CSN student, go online and read about the candidates at:http://www.csn.edu/pages/3260.asp

Then make sure you vote between 8 a.m. today, April 27, and 6 p.m., Wednesday at: https://eballot.votenet.com/CSN

I also want to mention our CSN Culinary Club, which has gone above and beyond, contributing to our community. Earlier this month, they went and volunteered at Three Square food bank. On Saturday, they assisted with the CSN Foundation Legacy of Achievement Gala at the M Resort, which helped raise money for CSN scholarships and programs. In May, they plan to bake 10,000 cookies for U.S. troops abroad.

I look forward to telling you more about ways in which CSN impacts the Las Vegas Valley.


Michael Richards

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