February Cabinet Minutes

February 13, 2012

Cabinet Members:
President Mike Richards – absent
John Bearce, Director of Institutional Research – absent
K.C. Brekken, Director, Communication & Events
Constance Brooks, Director, Government Affairs & Diversity Initiatives
Thomas Brown, Senior Advisor to the President
Patty Charlton, Senior Vice President for Finance & Facilities
Chemene Crawford, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Darren Divine, Vice President, Academic Affairs – absent
Richard Hinckley, General Counsel – Diane Welch, proxy
Shellie Keller, Chair, Administrative Faculty Assembly – Taylor Gray, proxy
Rob Telles, President, Classified Council
Jacque Matthews, Executive Director, Foundation
Joan McGee, Chief Campus Administrator, Charleston Campus
Charles Milne, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect – absent
Dan Morris, Executive Director, Business Operations – absent
Aimee Riley, President, Student Government
Josh Ruter, Interim Campus Manager, Henderson Campus
Tracy Sherman, Faculty Senate Chair
Mugunth Vaithylingam, Chief Information Officer

The meeting was called to order by Patty Charlton at 9 a.m. Dr. Richards was called to a meeting off-campus.

The notes of the January cabinet meeting were approved.

Patty went over some dates on the calendar including the upcoming town hall meeting on the Charleston campus with Regent Page on February 23, the Board of Regents meeting on March 2 & 3 also on the Charleston campus, and spring break
March 19 – 25.

Joan McGee told the group that the 2010-2017 Strategic Plan with the first year progress report is now posted on the CSN website along with the revised version of the Plan. Over the next few weeks, Joan will be meeting one-on-one with the individuals responsible for the various objectives listed in the revised plan. The purpose of the meetings is to clarify each individual’s responsibilities and objectives; and to ensure that the progress reported is relevant, assessable and timely.

Taylor Gray reported for the AFA on behalf of Shellie Keller. The last report from AFA was before the holidays and since that time there have been several notable events. In December, the AFA undertook a volunteer project in collaboration with the Department of Family Services and Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA). The project was named the CSN Serves December Volunteer Event. Fifty-one CSN faculty, staff and students volunteered; sorting and wrapping gifts for over 2,000 foster children in Clark County. Clark High School also sent volunteers to help. The event was a huge success and CSN is invited to return next year. Shellie and the rest of the group look forward to seeing the project grow. Another AFA event took place over the holidays—a Holiday Treasure Sale. The event was coordinated in a very short period of time and raised about $400. They plan to continue these efforts and create a scholarship or some form of support to benefit homeless CSN students.

The AFA employees of the month were:
• December 2011 – Jeff Fulmer, Visual Resource Center Specialist, Academic Affairs
• January 2012 – Joyce Bivona, Grants & Contract Manager, Finance and Administration
• February 2012 – Jann Carson, Specialist, Center for Academic & Professional Excellence

Dr. Richards and Patty Charlton are invited to the next AFA general meeting on February 24; and members are interested in hearing about admissions policy, budget concerns and employment issues.

Tracy Sherman gave an update on Faculty Senate. Regent Schofield dropped in at the meeting on Friday. It was a nice surprise. Faculty Senate is currently addressing workload policy and evaluation policy. Also, the Rape Crisis Center gave a presentation at the meeting and discussed all the good work going on there.

Jacque Matthews highlighted events going on in the Foundation. She began with informing everyone that a campaign director, Guy Amato, was hired on at CSN and began work on February 6. He will be touring campuses and meeting with Deans and VPs this week. Guy also will be working with the Foundation Board teams to coach progress. The CSN Foundation is currently working on a fundraiser with Cili Restaurant to support culinary competition. The details are currently being worked out and Jacque is hoping for a March date for the event. If it is successful, more celebrity chefs may become involved and bring more attention to CSN’s first-rate culinary and hospitality programs. The Legacy of Achievement Gala will take place May 12 at the Rio. The theme is “Moments of Magic,” and honorees will include Ken Goodrich, Dick McGee, Diane Hampton and Bob Stoldal. Another fundraiser is in the works, the annual celebrity golf tournament. Cox has committed to sponsor the event, but more sponsors are needed. The date for it will be announced soon. Other gifts to the CSN Foundation include a $300,000 in-kind gift over 3 years to benefit Athletics, $60,000 gift from Findlay Toyota over 3 years, and 2 overnight bus trips for Student Government and for Culinary students. Jacque is also working with K.C. Brekken on another insert in the Las Vegas Review Journal featuring successful CSN alumni. The date for the feature in the R.J. is April 11, 2012.

Patty told everyone in the meeting that Tech Connection was very successful and thanked Mugunth and Jacque for an excellent event.

Aimee Riley said the feedback from the student roundtables was excellent and students want them to continue. She is currently working with County officials to have polling locations on campus. She will be meeting with K.C. Brekken, Constance Brooks and the campus managers to discuss the logistics of the project. Aimee also informed everyone that there is a 91% greater instance of completion for students involved in student government or clubs and organizations at college. To capitalize on those statistics, there is a club rush scheduled for the Charleston campus today, and Cheyenne and Henderson campuses tomorrow. Another event to take place at the June Whitley center on the Cheyenne campus will focus on sex education, with representatives from Planned Parenthood and Aid for Aids of Nevada, among others attending. A former CSN student and amateur stand-up comedian, Daniel Mack, will be honored in a comedy event on April 12. The event will take the form of a competition and will be judged by a local industry expert. The tribute will be free and open to the public – details to follow. Aimee also welcomed 5 new senate members to student government.

Josh Ruter said he is working on the Henderson campus calendar that has been rather neglected. It will be posted as a PDF weekly on the CSN website on the Henderson Location link. www.csn.edu/about/locations/henderson.asp.
Some highlights from the Henderson campus:
• The master plan for signage is progressing.
• Trash cans have been installed in the parking lot to keep the grounds cleaner.
• A Building roof is complete
• B Building chillers should be complete in March along with other HVAC upgrades
• C Building may soon have solar panels on the roof
• Modulars between A & B have been painted and look great
• Various locations on campus now have E-access
• Furniture replacement schedule is being developed to be in compliance with fire codes and ADA requirements. The replacements will take place as funds become available.
• Student Government brought free flu shots to all campuses. Joshed thanked Aimee for that service.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

Next meeting scheduled March 12, 2012.


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