Information on Multi-Campus Reorganizations

The CSN Counselors
I am pleased to authorize the consensus recommendations of the Counseling Department, Faculty Senate, Executive Council, and Campus Vice Presidents and Provosts to proceed with the permanent transition of the CSN Counseling Department and policy amendment for a permanent chair.

Per the October 11 and November 8, 2019 Faculty Senate endorsements, the counselors are permanently transitioning to the multi-campus structure and reporting to the Charleston Campus Vice President and Provost in coordination with the vice presidents and provosts on the Henderson and North Las Vegas campuses, providing daily campus administrative support. In alignment with the multi-campus plan, CSN counselors are moving from a model that promotes access to enrollment to one that supports access to completion.

The counselors will assume a leadership role in providing wraparound support and retention services aligned with Areas of Study and Student Union one-stop student success service center (suite 127). The relocations of four counselors at Charleston will free faculty offices spaces in Building E (2), Building H (1), and Building B (1). Kudos to the Counseling Department and new leadership.

Campus Student Life Coordinators and Administrative Support
With a focus on increasing student engagement and integrating support services, the campus student life coordinators and their administrative support staff will be permanently moved under the multi-campus structure. The campus student life coordinators and student union managers will serve as the primary administrators within the student unions in coordination with the vice presidents and provosts on the Charleston, Henderson and North Las Vegas campuses. Please join me in congratulating and supporting the Campus Student Life staff in their transition.

Dental Faculty Practice
In consultation with the Nevada Board of Dental Examiners Director, Deborah Schaffer and supported by the Faculty Senate, the CSN Dental Faculty Practice has realigned under the college multi-campus structure reporting to the Charleston Campus Vice President and Provost.

Dr. Margo Martin as Vice President of Academic Affairs will serve as the administrator for the Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting Programs. Janice Glasper, interim Dean of Health Sciences will have dual reporting and provide academic leadership for the DFP and Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant programs. Drs. Martin and Pearson will work in coordination with Dean Glasper to maintain clinical options for the Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant students. Dr. Widdison will continue as the Dental Director and administrator over day-to-day operations of the DFP services.

Service Area Administration
The Campus Vice Presidents and Provosts have assumed administrative oversight for the CSN sites. The Campus Vice Presidents and Provosts will continue to work with the Program Administrators and staff to support the operations. The service areas align as follows:

VP/Provost Pearson, Charleston Service Area
Summerlin High Tech Center
Sahara West Facility
Western High Tech Center

VP/Provost Charlton, Henderson Service Area
Green Valley High Tech Center
Boulder City
Southwest Las Vegas
Water Street Center Operations

VP/Provost Cota, North Las Vegas Service Area
Nellis Air Force Base
Mesquite and Moapa
CSN community, we have reached another important turning point in our planning and Shared Governance process. Thank you to everyone who has supported this important work.

Posted on behalf of the Campus Vice Presidents and Provosts

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