June 2018 Chronicle
June 2018
Greetings, Coyote nation! What an amazing semester we had! It included another record-sized graduating class, the official kickoff of our student union construction, and of course the selection of a new CSN president. The future looks bright indeed.

– Margo

In this issue:
  • Keeping the Momentum
  • Student Union Kickoff
  • Henderson Campus Refresh
  • Shared Governance
  • Student Survey
  • Commencement Ceremony
  • Emmy Award Nominations
  • Talent Hub Designation
  • By the Numbers
Read the President’s Blog

Inside CSN

Keeping the Momentum

The announcement last month that Dr. Federico Zaragoza will become CSN’s new president in August has everyone here very excited. I look forward to welcoming him and assisting him with his transition. In the meantime, there is still much work to do this summer, so let’s keep our shoulders to the wheel!


We have a group working on convocation planning for fall 2018, and we are convening a shared governance task force this week to explore best practices and make recommendations for committee and council structures that we can implement in the coming academic year. Additionally, there is a team of us preparing for CSN’s mid-cycle visit from our accrediting body, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, which will occur on October 8 and 9. We are also pushing forward with the transition to a multi-campus district model and all that entails, including launching national searches for vice presidents/campus provosts for the Charleston and North Las Vegas campuses as well as two dean positions. We will also see construction for all three student unions begin before the fall semester starts. Plans are being finalized as we speak. We expect this summer to be busy yet meaningful at CSN. I’m excited and ready for all of it. Go, Coyotes!

Read About Dr. Zaragoza

Student Union Kickoff

We held our “construction kickoff” event for the new three student unions last month on the Henderson campus. It was attended by past and present student government leaders, Henderson representatives, CSN executives, faculty and staff. This event precedes the much anticipated start of construction on each campus this summer.

Linked below are the logistics plans showing the first phase of construction. These drawings show which areas will be out of service when students return for the fall semester. This schedule is approximate, and it will depend on the progress of the contractor. Facilities will be sending updates throughout the construction period to help inform everyone of the changes that will be occurring during this project. We are on schedule to open the new unions for the fall 2019 semester.

See the Union Plans

Henderson Campus Refresh

We’re excited to announce that we are in the process of refreshing the landscaping outside of the A, B and C buildings on the Henderson campus soon. The existing landscaping contained old and diseased trees that needed to be removed, as well as an irrigation system that was in disrepair. The project will provide a new irrigation system along with fresh landscaping including new trees, groundcovers and flowering bushes. Please see the document linked below for a look at what’s coming. We hope to have the work completed before the end of this month.
Check Out the Plans

Shared Governance

Last month I brought several faculty, staff and students together for a shared governance task force meeting.  We discussed several items including the formation of a main steering committee for shared governance as well as the possibility for smaller groups that can work on other important issues on an ad-hoc basis.  We also realized we have some homework to do regarding best practices.  We will continue to work throughout the summer and hope to provide comprehensive updates at this year’s convocation on August 20.

Student Survey

This fall, CSN will be participate in the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE), a national survey of institutional practices and student behaviors during the earliest weeks of college. SENSE is an initiative of the Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE), part of the Program in Higher Education Leadership at The University of Texas at Austin. The results will help us better understand the entering student experience at CSN.

The survey will be administered during the fourth and fifth class weeks of the fall academic term in classes randomly selected by CCCSE. Instructors whose classes are selected for survey administration will receive further information from CSN’s Institutional Research Department.

Learn More

CSN News

Commencement Ceremony

What an amazing Commencement Ceremony we had last month at the Thomas & Mack Center, where we graduated our largest class ever, more than 3,500 students. I couldn’t be more proud of these students, and of the great faculty and staff here who work so hard to help make sure they get the best education available. If you were unable to attend the event, you missed quite a show.
See More than 200 Photos from the Ceremony

Emmy Award Nominations

Students from our Videography & Film Program received 12 Student Production Emmy Award nominations and two overall Emmy Award nominations last month! The program has been doing great things these last few years, with 14 Emmy wins last year, the annual Short Film Showcase and the production of the documentary No Greater Odds. This year’s award winners will be announced at a ceremony June 16 in Palm Springs, Calif. Wish them luck!
Read the Press Release

Las Vegas Designated “Talent Hub”

Lumina Foundation, in partnership with the Kresge Foundation, has announced the designation of Las Vegas and six other communities across the country as Talent Hubs. These cities earned the designation by meeting rigorous standards for creating environments that attract, retain, and cultivate talent. Talent Hub cities are focused on raising the nation’s overall post-high school attainment level to 60 percent of working-age adults by 2025 and committed to eliminating deep disparities in educational outcomes among African-Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians, who fare poorly in contrast with white and Asian students. Focusing on the growing disparities in enrollment and completion rates, the Las Vegas area Talent Hub, comprised of partners College of Southern Nevada (CSN); Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), Workforce Development; Governor’s Office of Workforce Innovation for a New Nevada (OWINN) and United Way of Southern Nevada, will collaborate to increase the credentials of African American, Hispanic and low income learners. Each community designated as a Talent Hub receives $275,000 in grant funding over 31 months. Grant funding will support local efforts to educate more people, allowing community and education leaders to better meet the specific needs of residents. Lumina will provide these funds in partnership with Kresge.

We are thrilled to have this new opportunity to increase college credential attainment in Nevada. I will keep you updated as these partnerships develop.

Read More

By the Numbers

Look for this section each month to learn about the data that drive discussion and decisions at CSN.

Summer 2018 Enrollment Numbers

Please review the latest enrollment report at the link below. This updated report reflects our enrollment through May 29. Classes start Monday. Visit the Institutional Research web page to see additional enrollment and institutional data.
Summer 2018 Enrollment


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