March Chronicle

The CSN Chronicle

Greetings and welcome to The CSN Chronicle for March 2011.  Spring semester this year is unusually busy and the Legislature continues its deliberations.

Work Climate Survey

Survey results are summarized here for your information.  The committee, chaired by Professor Janice Glasper, has released the high and low lights of the survey.   The results of the survey have been presented to members of the Work Climate Survey Committee for review and for recommendations to the administration.  Members of the Committee are:  Vartouhi Asherian, Jennifer Basquiat, Kevin Boyle, Janice Glasper, Taylor Gray, Deborah Harbour, Cat Maihen, Troy McGinnis, Larue Mcquin, Garry Moon, Thill (Raghu) Raghunath, Robin Roques, Tracy Sherman, Gillian Silver-Rodis, Debbie Tanner, Stan Vernooy, Diane Waryas, Carla Wright, and Laura Yavitz.   The survey is on CSN’s Institutional Research website and will include a completely anonymous form to be used for any responses.

Committee members have been asked to suggest ideas for change that would benefit/improve the climate for the colleagues we serve.  The chair of the committee has asked the members to consult with their colleagues and return to the next meeting, March 31, with their ideas and recommendations.  If you are not contacted directly, seek out a member of the committee with your suggestions.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

The Nevada/California region of Phi Theta Kappa held its annual Regional Conference in Foster City, CA March 4-6. Alpha Xi Beta, CSN’s chapter led by Jacob Elison and Bruno Rhodes, worked diligently last year to achieve the goals as set forth by Phi Theta Kappa, the largest honor society in American higher education. Our officers’ and members’ efforts paid off Saturday night when they were presented with the following awards:

Additionally, Public Relations Secretary, Shara Hinden, was elected Regional Vice-President of Nevada. With 96 chapters in the Nevada/California region, Alpha Xi Beta and its 260+ members is once again a force to be reckoned with.  Congratulations Alpha Xi Beta!  You cannot do better than Five Stars!

Key dates:

  • March 21-24—Spring Break
  • April 30—CSN Legacy of Achievement Gala, Paris Hotel
  • May 23—Commencement
  • June 7—Regular Session of the Legislature Ends
  • August 20—Fall Convocation

Budget Outlook:  Mid-Session View


At the March Board of Regents meeting, tenure recommendations were approved for the following individuals:

Ms. Simone Brito                         Ms. Shirley Marie Johnston

Ms. Patricia Charlton                  Dr. Peter Denham Lanagan

Dr. Charles Deitrich                    Dr. Maria Moya

Mr. Ronald Gonzalez                  Dr. Vasile Munteanu

Ms. Susan Gregg                          Mr. William H. Neff

Ms. Mary Hackie                         Ms. Karen L. Shaw

Ms. Karen Hyman                       Dr. Cynthia Shroba

Ms. Lee Hyun Mi

Congratulations to these members of the CSN community!

Rumor Control:

Below are some of the latest rumors we have heard and need to address:

  1. Financial exigency will be declared and tenured faculty will lose their jobs.
    • CSN’s position is that financial exigency will not be declared, based on what we know about the budget at this time.  Tenured faculty positions have not been at risk for the past three years and through many budget cut cycles.  We do not expect any change on the matter.
    • CSN has publically declared that jobs and students are our priorities during times of retrenchment.  These priorities have not changed.
  2. Some CSN executives no longer serve in their positions.
    • The current array of executives is fully in place and nothing has changed.
    • If changes were to occur, you’d hear from me.
  3. Employee benefits will be cut more.
    • The benefit situation is part of the fluid budget process.  We are expecting cuts as indicated in various communications from HR and from my office.
    • NSHE staff and institutional representatives have been researching benefit programs and comparing benefit plans.  Early results find that CSN and other higher education employees are disadvantaged by current plans.  NSHE staff are exploring other options, such as broader employee pools.
    • Developments on the benefits issue will be fully communicated; as we know more, we’ll share it.

Many of the rumors you hear are panic thinking and may be spread by self aggrandizing people.  My phone number is 651-5600.  If you want to check on a rumor, call me.  I’ll tell you.

Questions from Faculty and Staff Members:

“What is the enrollment picture for spring semester?”

We have submitted census data as of March 15th.  Headcount enrollment was down 4.27 percent over the same period last year, and FTE was down 1.27 percent.  This spring, 41,577 students were enrolled or 21,814 FTE.

–Mike Richards

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