Greetings Colleagues!
I have been waiting until now to issue the March Chronicle because the Board of Regents, meeting at CSN’s North Las Vegas campus, took action on a number of key items that I wanted to report to you. In many ways, the Board’s actions were historic for CSN.
Board of Regents
CSN Student Body President Jill Robinson and fellow student leaders testify in support for the fee structure to build student unions at CSN at the Board of Regents Meeting at the CSN North Las Vegas Campus.
This week, the Board of Regents met at the North Las Vegas Campus on Thursday and Friday for the first time in at least a decade. Here’s how the actions of the Board affected CSN and you:
Finally, this meeting of our governing board represented a wonderful opportunity to showcase CSN to the public and to sister institutions. I appreciate Dr. Douglas Sims and Rachel Lily, a CSN student, for their presentations to the Board and all of the staff who worked so hard to facilitate the meeting and make it a wonderful experience for our colleagues throughout the system.
Black History Month
Local artist Lance Smith (left), Antanus Pullman, and CSN Psychology professors Dr. Andrea Brown and Dr. David Roby at #BlackMenDream, which showcased different sides of black masculinity and explored the emotional restrictions often denied through crossroads of race and gender.
I would like to thank the CSN African American Heritage Committee, the Black Student Alliance and the Office of Diversity for their work on a number of great events in February to celebrate Black History Month. These events included a documentary screening of the film #Blackmendream, and the film 13th, which can be found on Netflix regarding the 13th Amendment and its relation to modern day slavery in the prison system. Also this month guest speaker Yusef Salaam came to the college to discuss his past of being wrongfully accused for a crime he did not commit, and with people he didn’t even know, while sharing his story and his perspective he answered questions related to today’s political climate.
Collective Bargaining
The process of collective bargaining continues. CSN has created a webpage where you can get the latest information about the process and find information about the upcoming meetings, proposals, counter proposals, background and more. The CSN NFA Chapter also has a blog that can be found here. The bargaining sessions are open to the college community. The next meetings will take place as scheduled below. All are encouraged to attend.
March 10, 2017, 9 am, NLV campus-Conf Rm A/B
March 24, 2017, 3 pm, Henderson Campus-C-225
79th Legislative Session
The legislative session has officially begun and there are a number of bills we are following, including items on dual credit, the Silver State Opportunity Grant, funding for certain CTE programs and more. I was in Carson City on Tuesday to help make our case and discuss the importance of the Silver State Opportunity Grant for our students. You can read more about the hearing here. To receive weekly legislative updates, email
Multi-Campus District Study
On Feb. 23, I updated the Board of Regents Committee on Community Colleges on the progress of our multi-campus district planning. We’ve identified funds within the previously approved student fee increases taking place this fall to bolster the necessary faculty and staff needed. Revenues for two years will be committed to providing a standard student experience at all three campuses, as well as deliver general education and entry-level courses on each campus. This will allow students to receive a standard level of collegiate experience regardless of which campus students select. When Regents initially approved the student fee increases, they stated that the new dollars must support student services and building out needed faculty and staff on each campus and creating a home campus experience will help accomplish that outcome. We’ve also identified additional dollars needed to support the administrative component to provide a campus leader at each location and have amended CSN’s budget request to the Legislature to fund the positions separate from student fees or other institutional funds. These administrative positions will provide uniform points of contact in the three municipalities and communities CSN serves. Our community partners want CSN to help support their economic development needs, and we’ll be in a stronger position to do exactly that. The funds will be included in our capacity enhancement request before the Legislature this session. Taken together, a commitment of $3.8 million could be available beginning July 1 to support the multi-campus district model.
Working through the details of the model will take up to two years. It will change the way CSN committees and councils work, emphasizing more communication and coordination throughout the College. It will improve our ability to work with the communities we so proudly serve. Most importantly, it will infuse an investment of funding into a uniform student experience both inside and outside the classroom. Students would not have to hop from campus to campus for services unless they so choose. Advisors and counselors won’t be spread so thin because of the circuit they ride. The Henderson campus, particularly, will have the array of services and curriculum of CSN’s other campuses.
We also look forward to designating Centers of Excellence on each campus both for programming and for improved marketing of the campuses. This is an exciting dimension of the multi-campus model.
The Regents’ committee and the full Board itself, received the report enthusiastically with the understanding that we have more details to explore. Regents expressed a desire that a transition to this structure would help us better meet both student and community needs more effectively.
Please know how deeply I appreciate the thoughtful consideration faculty have given this new model. Issues raised, questions about resources, concerns about implementation have been constructive and helpful. Indeed, they have strengthened CSN’s proposals and budget submissions. I believe the entire transition will be better for faculty input and review. Thank you to all involved!
New DWED Leader
Ricardo Villalobos
Following a national search, CSN has hired a new Executive Director of the Division of Workforce & Economic Development Ricardo Villalobos. March 1 was his first day. He is completing his Ph.D. in Workforce Development at UNLV. Mr. Villalobos’ professional experiences include serving as Director of Workforce Development Programs at Workforce Connections, overseeing employment and training services being provided to approximately 5,000 youth and adults. Previously, he worked with at-risk student-athletes at San Diego State University and with welfare-to-work recipients at one of the local community colleges. He also served as an evaluation consultant for the Sweetwater Union High School District assessing college preparatory programs for disadvantaged student populations. He will be a vital asset to help CSN expand workforce readiness in Southern Nevada.
I also want to recognize the work of Dan Gouker and Melissa Schroeder who labored so effectively as leaders of DWED. Dan built countless relationships in the community. His efforts created a dynamic and successful operation with business and industry alliances that serve as the model for workforce development. Melissa carried on as interim director, sustaining strong operations for the College.
DWED is no longer exclusively the non-credit and enrichment arm of CSN. It is a workforce engine for the college and for the greater Las Vegas community. Its agility and program excellence is ready for the next level of success.
Diversity Day
Diversity Day will take place Friday, March 31, all day at the Nicholas J. Horn Theatre on the North Las Vegas Campus. The program includes morning workshops for Safe Zone 102 and Communicating Across Generations. The afternoon program includes a special presentation of awards that I will present to recognize diversity committee chairs and other diversity champions, and a presentation by Attorney Colin Seale on Safe Spaces and Free Speech. Colin will follow his keynote with a workshop to wrap up the day’s activities. A light lunch will be provided for those who attend the morning sessions and stay for the afternoon program. Please attend and encourage your colleagues to do so as well. The day is not only symbolic of the college’s support of diversity and inclusion but also a good opportunity for training on diversity-related topics that address issues of interest for the CSN community. We developed the program based on feedback from faculty, staff and students. You can register through CAPE or email for more information.
Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day
Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day is coming up on April 27 and CSN will hold special activities at all three main campuses to participate. The national holiday encourages strives to connect children with the working world and to think creatively about their future. Fun and educational activities are being planned for each campus and snacks, lunch, and beverages will be provided throughout the day for the children courtesy of our college administration. Children from ages 8-18 may participate. To plan for this event, we ask that employees pre-register their children by Monday, April 10. Walk-ins without prior registration will not be able to participate. Registration for this event is on a first come, first served-basis as each campus has limited space. Contact for more information and to sign up.
March Speed Networking Event
Finally, we are very excited about our upcoming Speed Networking Event to be held Friday, March 17, at the North Las Vegas Campus in the June Whitley Lounge. We have dozens of local and national employers attending to meet with CSN Accounting, Business, CIT, & Engineering Technology students. Prior to attending, all students receive an orientation and assistance preparing their resumes and developing their ‘elevator speeches.’ At the event, students will experience a high-energy, speed networking event over two hours that prepares them to enter their career fields and in some cases lead to jobs and internships.
Faculty & Staff Q&A
“Will CSN still be affordable for students with all the fee increases?”
It is essential to CSN’s future that is remain accessible and affordable. Nearly every fiscal decision at the College is made with that goal in mind. As the students proposed three student unions, realizing they had to pay for construction and operation of the new facilities, the question of impact on pricing received careful analysis. We saved some general improvement revenues and chose to reduce the impact on students by transferring $7 million to the projects. We elected to charge a lower summer fee–$3 per credit hour. And we chose to defer collection of the O&M fee ($1 per credit hour) until it was needed in the fall of 2019. By FY2020 when all fees are in place, CSN will be charging about $1,794 for 15 credits. This is about a thousand dollars lower than NSC and about $2,200 lower than UNLV.
“Will we be updating the North Las Vegas Campus” sort codes to North Las Vegas (as opposed to NLV)?”
The North Las Vegas Campus sort codes are currently being revised and will be updated soon.
“Is the PageDNA printing system a temporary fix until Workday is completed?”
The PageDNA system is a permanent solution for online ordering of all print requests and is not associated with the implementation of Workday. The design of the PageDNA online store front continues and we very much welcome your feedback. Please contact the Senior Director of Auxiliary Services Judy Ruter to provide specific feedback on how we can improve the look and functionality of the PageDNA system.