My position on enrollment caps

Recent media coverage has raised the possibility of enrollment caps on community colleges in Nevada.  Links to the articles may be found here:

Access to What? – Inside Higher Ed

Enrollment Caps Considered – Las Vegas Review-Journal

State’s Community Colleges Trying to Avoid Sacrificing Quality for Quantity – Las Vegas Sun

As you can imagine, the issue of caps is difficult and complex, almost anathema to our community college DNA that prizes access, inclusion and affordability.  I’ve maintained two positions: 1) as long as enrollment growth is the sole driver in Nevada’s funding formula, CSN will plan and manage for growth, and 2) instructional quality will not be compromised as we accommodate growth with innovative ideas, such as midnight classes, and with the de facto caps in place as we reach classroom capacity.  What do you think?  What are some alternative ideas we can implement to accomodate student demand?

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