Operation & Maintenance Fee Waiver and Refunds

Dear CSN Family,

During these difficult economic times, we at CSN know that every dollar counts. That’s why we have decided to waive the $1 per credit Student Union Operations and Maintenance fee for the fall 2020 semester. The majority of our classes will be online this semester, so we do not expect the student unions to be heavily used.

Those students who have not paid their fall 2020 bill yet will not get charged the fee. Those who have paid already will be issued refunds.

As a reminder, for those faculty, staff and students who will be on campus this semester, CSN is strictly following health and safety guidelines set by federal, state and local officials. Masks will be required at all times, social distancing protocols will be in effect, and gatherings will be strictly limited. We want our entire family to remain safe.

I want to thank our faculty, staff and students for your continued support as we navigate an unprecedented situation.

Stay safe and God bless.

Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada

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