Potential budget cuts and special session

Media in the state have been reporting on forthcoming budget cuts and the governor’s call for the Economic Forum to meet, which may lead to a special session of the Legislature and more budget reductions.  Understandably, you as a student or CSN employee, might be worried about diminished operating funds, furlough days or fewer class sections.

Let me appease those concerns first and clarify that there have been no changes to this year’s budget or to the furlough requirements adopted by the State Personnel Office or the Regents.

We are carefully monitoring developments on state budget issues and you should enter this holiday season confident that I will keep you informed and we, as part of the Nevada System of Higher Education, will do all we can to protect our core mission. This will require efforts on your part next year to mobilize with us and help educate the public about the value of CSN. 

The Board of Regents and the Chancellor have suggested to the governor alternative approaches to cutting higher education.  They have also defended cuts already taken by our institutions — cuts greater than other state agencies.  We have able leadership advocating our cause.  In the mean time, at CSN, we have a new mission describing a generation of service to students.  We’ll not shirk from our purpose.  The state of Nevada and our community need us.

We will continue what we started together in 2007.  Through all of our efforts and your strong voice, we succeeded in the 2009 legislative session to preserve CSN and higher education in Nevada.  I invite you to join me in the continued struggle for fiscal stability.  We also need to stand together by defeating our own fears of uncertainty, change, and innovation.

There will be plenty for us to do, but for now enjoy your holidays.  Enjoy family or professional development time.  Give honor, respect and trust to your colleagues:  The Golden Rule is timeless, especially now in our current circumstances.  We have much to be grateful for, particularly our CSN family. Come back to the new semester rested, energized and ready.

As you know, I stand committed to our college and ready to serve you and support your success. I look forward to 2010, come what may, and to working with you to build a strong, vibrant CSN for the next generation.

Best regards,


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