The Department of Fine Arts Music Program presents an evening of Big Band classics as well as contemporary selections with CSN’s […]
CSN Fine Arts Music Program presents an evening of classic and contemporary jazz selections featuring CSN Jazz Combos under the direction of Dr. David […]
A STUDENT PRODUCTION PREMIERING NOVEMBER 8TH IN THE BACKSTAGE THEATRE The College of Southern Nevada Fine Arts Theatre Program presents, […]
The Fine Arts Department Music Program at the College of Southern Nevada presents CSN’s Orchestra Chamber Music Concert. The […]
The Music Program at the College of Southern Nevada presents their annual Chamber Chorale Showcase. This semester’s special […]
Friday, October 11, 2024, through Saturday, February 22, 2025 Artist Talk & Reception: Wednesday, October 23 at 6 PM Debra […]
North Las Vegas Campus Fine Arts Gallery The College of Southern Nevada, School of Arts & Letters, and Department of […]
Community college students do research, too. A group of CSN students and their professors have conducted research significant enough that […]
Greetings, Colleagues! We are more than a month into the semester and I hope all is going well. This month’s […]
For Immediate Release: Contact: Richard Lake, CSN Public Relations Specialist, 702-651-7715, CSN Career Fair Connects Job Seekers and Employers […]
As cybersecurity becomes an issue of increasing national importance, the College of Southern Nevada is preparing to host the second annual Community College Cyber Summit this month to help these two-year institutions prepare the workforce that will secure our nation.
This is a belated March Chronicle, which primarily serves to lay a foundation for the college-wide town hall meetings that begin next week. I plan to share additional details as available from the state and Nevada System of Higher Education at those sessions.
Greetings! As this academic year winds down, there is much to report to you in many areas of the college. […]
Greetings! On Friday, we announced that CSN has been selected to join an elite group of colleges as part of […]
The nation’s most comprehensive non-governmental reform network for student success in higher education has selected CSN to join its national reform network, CSN President Dr. Michael Richards announced today.
As the discussion on how to allocate state funds to Nevada’s universities and colleges continues, I would like to share a comparison of the state funding per student under the current formula and under the chancellor’s proposed model. Click on the graphic to enlarge it on your screen.
Three major policy/protocol changes have been announced that may impact student enrollment for fall 2012 semester classes. I would ask that all faculty and staff understand these changes so that we may all work to help students experience a smooth enrollment process and a successful fall semester.
The CSN Chronicle Introduction Much is happening at CSN, and this extended Chronicle summarizes many activities, events, and news items […]
Holiday greetings to all! This is the last Chronicle for 2011 and the last time the logo for our 40th […]
Gov. Brian Sandoval has made Nevada’s economic vitality a priority for his administration and invests time and energy to that […]
November 08, 2010 Cabinet Members: President Mike Richards Vartouhi Asherian, Chair, Administrative Faculty Assembly John Bearce, Director of Institutional Research […]
“Worthwhile public projects often generate negative taxpayer perspective returns, because the role of government is to provide services that the public wants but that the business sector may find unprofitable … But unlike most government endeavors funding for CSN generates strong results from both the social and taxpayer perspectives. Economists generally assume a 3% discount rate in analyzing government investments, assuming that governments can obtain unsecured loans at a rate of 3% or receive a 3% return on any excess funds, if they were invested. Since CSN’s taxpayer rate of return of 9.2% is greater than 3%, state and local governments actually make money on the investment. By funding the college, therefore, other recipients of state and local funding are actually subsidized through the revenues generated by the college.”
Greetings to all! I hope your semester is going well. There is much activity on many fronts that I’d like […]
This really is a wonderful achievement for both the city and CSN. I hope you will all take a moment this coming semester to admire our newest facility and to welcome Fire Station 6 to CSN.
Starting this fall, the college will offer a business course at the institute with the hope that some of the students will come to CSN to complete a Certificate in Business Management.
This will help those students who intend to work for major salons or have their own operation create a business plan, design a budget and develop other major skills that will help them thrive in the community.
CSN does not shy away from outreach opportunities that stand to help the people of Southern Nevada diversify our economy. […]
I want to take this opportunity to draw attention to several upcoming events at CSN. First on April 8, CSN […]
A number of institutions are using social media to engage faculty, staff, and students. I’ve noticed social media–like this blog–growing at CSN. We have Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and other outlets. Are we using these in helpful ways for the college community?