Upcoming Multi-campus District Projects
This is an exciting transition for the College of Southern Nevada. As we continue efforts to implement the multi-campus model your support and collaboration is important and greatly appreciated.
As CSN positions itself to close gaps in student retention and completion, the transition plan will require focused attention on Student Enrollment Management (“SEM”). The counseling team has identified opportunities to help advance the college’s priorities of helping student graduate, complete, transfer and prosper. The Campus Vice Presidents and Provosts are responsible for directing and monitoring the results of the following initiatives at their respective campuses.
The goal is to enhance the system to support our operations and help us deliver support services more efficiently. The Counseling Department Program Leads will oversee four important projects. During the next 30 days, the Program Leads will share updates and solicit feedback to ensure resources and processes are easier to navigate and more accessible.
Open houses will be held monthly, in which Interim Chair Valerie Conner and Program Leads welcome faculty, staff and students to learn about and comment on the departments services. The information below provides a snapshot of the 30-day plan and assigned leads.
E-Alert: Lead – Amy Palmer
- Coordinate with OTS and Student Affairs to increase system automated workflow and assignments for referrals and alerts.
- Coordinate with OTS and Student Affairs to modify E-alert system to remove unnecessary flags.
- Consult with Faculty Senate, add E-Alert link to Canvas shell.
- Consult with Faculty Senate, add E-Alert Kudos link to Canvas.
- Consult with Faculty Senate, develop and E-Alert training program and modules (online and in person) and link to CSN web and Canvas.
- Consult with Department Chairs, schedule department information sessions.
- Develop an E-alert Guide.
Wrap Around Services: Lead – Luis Ortega
- Coordinate with Research and Planning and Nevada Promise Program to develop reports of Promise Students with lost eligibility.
- Coordinate with the Promise Program, Advising, First Year Experience for the following populations: 1) applied & accepted and 2) applied, not accepted.
- Coordinate with Marketing & Communications and the Office of Technology Services teams to develop automated email communication to Nevada Promise Students who lost eligibility and connect students to Workforce Connections paid training program and promote late registration, late start and early registration options.
- Coordinate with OTS to develop a community resources web landing page.
- Collaborate with Recruiting, Advising and FYE connect with students who applied but not accepted in NV Promise or enrolled at CSN.
- Coordinate with Campus Life, Student Affairs and Student Government to increase services through the food pantry and access to on-campus wrap around services with Workforce Connections, Operation Hope, Department of Health and Human Services, DWED, Accessible Spaces Inc., UNLV Immigration Law services.
- Coordinate with Assessment and Planning to develop a student survey to obtain more information about the services students need.
- Coordinate with Student Government, Multicultural Center and Campus Life and Leadership Development to conduct focus group discussion.
- Coordinate with OTS to create a student feedback to learn more about the student experiences.
Co-curricular Programs: Lead – Esther Pla-Cazares
- Coordinate with Promise Program, Multicultural Center and Campus Life and Leadership Development staff to develop workshop to connect with Promise Program and Bump Up and other students at risk of early withdrawal.
- Coordinate with OTS to develop a centralized schedule of co-curricular programs on the web.
- Coordinate with Assessment and Planning and CSN Leadership Academy team to develop pre/post assessment survey based on institutional student learning outcomes.
- Connect with innovative educators to link webinars/ “Go To” knowledge page to co-curricular workshop page.
- Develop co-curricular programs and workshops to reach and support target populations with higher withdrawal rates (African American and Native American students).
Mentoring: Lead – Shawn Claxton
- Coordinate with counselors to develop a mentoring program.
- Assign counselors to at-risk population of students (academic probation, warning or suspension, Financial Aid warning or suspension along with Nevada Promise and Bump Up students).
- Coordinate with Promise Program and Multicultural Center to expand the mentoring program to more CSN students.
- Partner with Nevada Promise program and Multicultural Center to develop pre-post assessment survey for mentor assignments.
- Partner with Nevada Promise program to develop mentoring program/standards that align with institutional student learning outcomes.
- Coordinate with prison education program staff to create a mentoring bridge program to increase student matriculation and access to wrap around services.